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Quilt by Pat Holder

Flathead Quilt Show

"A Wee Bit Wooly"

September 20-21, 2019


2019 FQG Quilt Show

Registration Information & Protocol





  • Members current as of the March guild meeting are eligible to both enter items in our annual Fall Quilt Show and sell quilts and items in the Boutique at the show. Anyone who pays FQG dues after the March meeting may enter items in the Fall Show but may not sell quilts or items in the Boutique.

  • Members entering a quilt(s) are asked to sell $20.00 worth of Raffle Tickets for the 2019 Raffle Quilt.

  • Members entering a quilt(s) are asked to volunteer at the quilt show (hostess, raffle sales or admissions table) for a 2 hour period. Members can work with the Quilt Show Chair (Deb Starling 892-5349) if this is a hardship.  Other options to fulfill this requirement are available. We also sell raffle tickets at the Northwest Montana Fair at the fairgrounds during the week of August 13 – 18 and at The Outdoor Eureka Quilt Show on August 3rd 2019. We always need help.

  • It is helpful and very appreciated if any and all members entering quilts in the Quilt Show help with set-up or take down.

  • Members can enter quilts if they are the Maker, the Quilter, OR are the Owner of the quilt. Quilts may only be entered in the Quilt Show one time.

  • All quilts displayed and entered in the Quilt Show must be finished. If for some reason you are not able to finish your quilt, please notify Deb Starling 892-5349 as soon as possible so that our lay-out and set-up stays very professional and appealing. We don’t want blank spaces! 

  • Please enter your quilt in the category you think represents it best. Please review the categories and the respective definitions.

  • Non-members may enter quilts and they will be accepted based on space availability. There is a $50 fee for the 1st quilt accepted, and $10 for any additional quilt submitted and accepted. The fee would be due at the fairgrounds when the quilts are delivered for set-up on September 19, 2019.

  • The Junior Quilter and Brown Bag Challenge categories are exceptions to this rule and do not require a guild membership or entry fee.

  • All quilt sales go through the Boutique.  Members will be charged 10% commission. Please plan accordingly when you price your quilt.  If you have a quilt for sale in the Show, you must obtain a boutique consignment number. 

  • Registration DEADLINE is August 15, 2019 utilizing the on-line form.  If registering with hard copy form(s) it is due by August 1, 2019 at the regular guild meeting. Early registration(s) are always welcome!

  • Quilt Stories are very much appreciated by the viewing public. Note that for 2019 you must complete the Quilt Story at the time of registration either online or on the hard copy form.

  • Quilts need to be delivered to the Northwest Montana Fairgrounds, EXPO Building for show set-up between 10 am and 3 pm of Thursday September 19, 2019. If you have numerous quilts, it would be helpful to pin a tag on the quilts with their name and category - a copy of the registration confirmation email would work well. When you check in, we will need to match each quilt to its name and category.

  • Quilts will need to be picked up with correct paperwork  (or phone email copy ) on Saturday, September 21, 2019 at approximately 5 pm. Quilts will be released from the Show after all quilts are taken down, bagged and sorted.

  • Anyone registering and entering a quilt(s) in the show acknowledges the Hold Harmless Agreement. They are referred to as the submitter in this agreement. The submitter agrees to abide by all conditions stated on the 2019 Quilt Show Information & Protocol sheet. The submitter also agrees to permit the Flathead Quilters’ Guild (FGQ) to display the entry at the Northwest Montana Fairgrounds September 19th, 20th, and 21st, 2019. The submitter grants FQG the right to photograph this entry(s) for FQG files, publicity and/or promotion purposes, which may include print, website, Facebook posts or video. The submitter understands care will be taken to protect their entry(s) and understands that no responsibility for loss or damage to their entry(s) will be assumed by FQG or the Northwest Montana Fairgrounds.


Thank you for registering quilts for the 2019 show! A special thank you to those utilizing the on-line registration option! We have had one of the best shows and are looking forward to this show being great!


The Registration Team:

          Deb Starling       

      Salena Beckwith

      Jennifer Beecham

      Cathy Calloway                

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